We will work with you to customize The 100% Sign

…and design work is free.

The 100% Sign is an ideal tool to promote universal acceptance and inclusivity within your organization: We have worked with businesses, houses of worship, libraries, governmental organizations, school districts and professional organizations to create customized 100% Signs.

100% Signs can been used in your storefront to declare your inclusivity, in your workplace or school as visual reminders to be inclusive, distributed to your personnel as part of bias training, given away to customers as a promotion of your corporate values, embedded in email signatures or on your website.

All versions of the 100% Sign must contain the interwoven rainbows, gender marker, globe, the name ‘The 100% Sign’ and the URL ‘’.  As long as the text promotes our mission of universal acceptance**, we are happy to

  • customize the 100% Sign wording to reflect the mission of your organization.**
  • add branding (in place of a flag)
  • change the background and text colors
  • add your website URL/hashtag etc. (bottom center)
  • After the first printing (which we will check for quality), we are happy to provide you with a link where you can directly order all subsequent orders. If you prefer to use your own printers, high resolution PDF or EPS files can be provided for printing purposes, but you will then assume the risk that your design does not render well (e.g. text was too small)
  • The 100 Percent Sign, Inc. will be the final judge of the suitability of any proposed wording.
  • Foreign language versions will be subject to independent translation for verification of content.
  • For corporate clients, proof of intent will be required to commence design work. (For example, we might ask to inspect your HR rules on workplace discrimination and dispute resolution.)